François Boussu
Affilation: Faculity of Textile, Leather and Industrial Management, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Iasi, Romania
All authors: Abtew Mulat A., Abtew Mulat A., Abtew Mulat A., Abtew Mulat A., Loghin Carment , Cristian Irina, Boussu François , Boussu François , Bruniaux Pascal, Bruniaux Pascal, Chen Yan, Wang Lichuan
Affilation: Faculity of Textile, Leather and Industrial Management, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Iasi, Romania
All authors: Abtew Mulat A., Abtew Mulat A., Abtew Mulat A., Abtew Mulat A., Loghin Carment , Cristian Irina, Boussu François , Boussu François , Bruniaux Pascal, Bruniaux Pascal, Chen Yan, Wang Lichuan